
wow -meine erste 3 sind erwachsen!! danke für die clicks:D
ah...du hast eins deiner Eier getötet!!

Michl, ich klick immer wieder :D

Edit: in welchen abständen kann man denn klicken?
aus den FAQs:
Q: What are clicks, views, and unique views?
A: Views, Unique Views, and Clicks are statistics that determine if your egg will hatch and if your hatchling will grow. Views are accumulated every time someone views the actual image of your egg/hatchling/adult. Unique Views are obtained in the same way as views, except only one unique view is given per egg per person. A "click" occurs when someone clicks on your egg in your signature or wherever you place it, and views the page that contains all of the information about your creature. Just like Unique Views, clicks are only given once per person.
Fazit: ihr könnt jedes Ei nur einmal klicken, also die Arbeit reduzieren aufs klicken der neuen Eier ;):D:cool: