
Petition - Indien : Affen Missbrauch für die "Unterhaltung"



Liebe Tierfreunde,

dass lokale Erfolge auf wackeligen Füssen stehen, wissen wir.
Das neueste Beispiel ist der Vorfall hinsichtlich der Auffangstation in
Velika Gorica, einen Vorort von Zagreb, Hauptstadt Kroatiens.

Mit viel Engagement haben lokale Tierschützer, vor allem der Verein "SPIRIT"
aus Zagreb erreicht, dass die Auffangstation (2 Monate Zeit bis zur
Einschläferung )von Velika Gorica in Obhut von Veterinär Station, eine
tolle Unterkunft für eingefangene Hunde bekommt in dem Hundepension von
Herrn Kranjcec . Alle eingefangenen Hunde wurden vor dem Ablauf der
gesetzlichen Einschläferungsfrist von dem Verein „Spirit“ rausgeholt.
In Velika Gorica hat man einen neuen Bürgermeister bekommen.
In einer Nacht und Nebel Aktion am 02.12.09. hat die städtische Behörde
den Umzug von Hunden zu der 40 km entfernten Station von TA Baraba
angeordnet, obwohl die gesetzlichen Vorschriften für eine offizielle
Auffangstation nicht erfüllt sind. Es gibt eine Garage und einen Zwinger.
Die Entlohnung ist sogar höher, als bei der ursprünglichen schönen
Unterkunft, so dass sich von alleine die Antwort bietet, dass auf dieser
Weise andere Ziele verfolgt werden. Es ist leichter Hunde zu liquidieren,
ohne lästige Einmischung von Tierschutzvereinen. Alle eingefangenen Hunde
werden z.B. in die Garage von Herrn Baraba zusammen untergebracht
(Sozialisierungsprozess!!)oder in den in zwei Teilen abgetrennten Zwinger,
in denen jeweils eine kleine Hütte gestellt ist.
So erfolgt die Erlöschung von Hunden auch ohne teuere Spritze.
Nach zwei Wochen, waren keine von den ursprünglich transportierten Hunde
mehr vorhanden.

Als EU Beitrittskandidat ist Kroatien ist zur Zeit für die Kritik aus dem
EU Westen besonders empfänglich.

Die Organisation „Ärzte für Tiere“ hat bereits einen Brief an den Minister
für Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung in Zagreb, und an den
Bürgermeister von Velika Gorica gerichtet. Ich habe mit Behörden in Velika
Gorica vor Ort gesprochen; mit einer Veröffentlichung des Vorgangs haben
sie wohl nicht gerechnet.

Nachdem diese Woche eine neue öffentliche Ausschreibung stattfindet, möchte
ich alle bitten eine kurze Mail an den Minister Cobankovic und den
Bürgermeister Barisic zu verschicken. (Unten ein Beispiel)

[URL="http://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/g.fcgi/mail/new?CUSTOMERNO=36817603&t=de1464392019.1264584792.493da8b4&to=office%40mps.hr"]office@mps.hr[/URL] (Minister Cobankovic)
[URL="http://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/g.fcgi/mail/new?CUSTOMERNO=36817603&t=de1464392019.1264584792.493da8b4&to=gradonacelnik%40gorica.hr"]gradonacelnik@gorica.hr[/URL] (Bügermeister Barisic)

Sehr geehrter Herr Minister Cobankovic,
sehr geehrter Herr Bügermeister Barisic,

wir bitten Sie hiermit die Entscheidung die Auffangstation in Velika Gorica
auf das Grundstück von Herrn Baraba zu verlegen, genau zu überprüfen.
Es handelt sich um eine unadäquate Unterkunft die gesetzlichen Vorschriften
und dem Wohle der Tiere wiederspricht. Als EU Beitrittskandidat mit einem
relativ modernen Tierschutzgesetz, sollte Kroatien diese Vorschriften auch
in Praxis anwenden. Bitte, überlegen Sie noch einmal Ihre Entscheidung.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Betreff: Weiterer Protest... Medizinier wollen weiterhin erstickende Schweine beobachten...!

Protest gegen Versuche an Schweinen....Fortsetzung ....!!!

Was zu befürchten war, wird oder ist bereits eingetreten...

....die Versuche an Schweinen in Österreich durch Notfallmediziner, werden weitergeführt, "konspirativ...."

bitte unterstützt den Protestaufruf ....siehe unten...

unter dem Link findet ihr Infos....

Anbei ein Musterbrief von mir..er kann verwendet werden...

bitte etwas umändern...aber bitte bitte protestiert ...!!! und bitte weitergeben...Ich danke euch...!!




Uni Klinik für Änasthesie und ITS...



Institut für alpine Notfallmedizin


Landeshauptmann Tirol Günter Plattner


Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann


Sekretariat Wissenschaftsministerium


Bundesministerim für Wissenschaft und Forschung

Anaesthesie@uibk.ac.at ; vienna@eurac.edu ; buero.lh.platter@tirol.gv.at ;werner.faymann@spoe.at ; claudia.timpel@bmwf.gv.at ; infoservice@bmwf.gv.at

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

was zu befürchten war, ist eingetroffen. Die Versuche zum Erforschen von Erstickungstoden an lebenden Schweinen" sollen oder werden bereits weitergeführt...konspirativ.

Wir sind entsetzt und empört darüber ....!!

Wie und unter welchen Zusammenhängen ein Lebewesen unter Schneemassen erstickt und warum, sollte auch bei Notfallmedizinern bekannt sein, die an diesen Versuchen festhalten.

Jeder Veterinär kann bestätigen, dass Schweine absolut narkoseempfindlich sind.

Bei diesen Versuchen bekommen Sie letzlich nur eine Aussage: nämlich die, dass die Tiere an Stress gestorben sind.

Die Übertragbarkeit auf den Menschen ist irrelevant, denn kein Mensch wird

1. unter Narkose im Schnee ersticken und

2. es handelt sich bei den Versuchen um ein Tier , in diesem Fall ein Schwein, und nicht um einen Menschen.

Auch wenn gewisse Parallelen von Menschen und Schweinen in der Phyisiologie und Anatomie bestehen, Menschen und Schweine sind omnivor, können und sollten dennoch keine Übertragungen physischer, pathologischer und psychsicher Abläufe, von einem Schwein zu einem Menschen stattfinden. Das halten wir für äußerst bedenklich.

Da alpine Unfälle in vielen Fällen durch Eigenverschulden verursacht werden, durch Selbstüberschätzung und ignorieren von Vorschriftsmassnahmen, wäre es angebrachter auf Präventivmassnahmen hinzuweisen und diese zu publizieren.

Anstatt wehrlose Tiere zu malträtieren.

Hochsensible Tiere für grausame Versuchszwecke zu missbrauchen ist nach unserem Empfinden ethisch und moralisch absolut inakzeptabel und verwerflich und widerspricht dem Tierschutzgesetz.

Hier liegt mit Sicherheit kein vernünftiger Grund vor !!

Wir fordern daher eindringlich:

Stellen Sie umgehend diese paradoxen, unwürdigen und nichtsbringenden Versuche an wehrlosen Tieren ein.
Fokussieren Sie Ihre Forschungsarbeiten auf alternative , ethische und human vertretbare Forschungsmethoden, die nicht auf Tierqual und Tieropferung basieren und gleichfalls effiziente Forschungsergebnisse liefern.

Freundlicher Gruß,
Protestaufruf Türkei :!In den lezten Monaten wurden über 250 Streuner vergiftet....

Hallo an alle,

Einer von modernsten Türkischen gross Statt Izm¹r und seine Orte werden immer wieder Tiere verden vergiftet.
Um das zur protestieren bitter unter schreiben und folgender adressen schichen undmich dazu cc machen.Ich danke an aller,die mit machen namen der armen Tieren.

To: cemliman@hotmail. com, karaburun@izmir. gov.tr, cigdem@mordogan. bel.tr
bcc: turkandagdelen@yahoo.co.uk

Dear Mr Mayor (Ahmet Cakir),

We are informed that in your area, in Mordogan, in the last 2 months over 250 stray dogs and cats were poisoned on the streets! And we know that most of them were sterilized, harmless and they were seeking only for some love.

According to the Turkish law, the municipalities are responsible for the stray animals. We would like to ask you what the municipality do in order to prevent these horrible actions in Mordogan.

We are terribly sorry for Mordogan's animals and we decided that until these inhuman actions will end, we will not visit Mordogan and Turkey. It is a very big shame for a country that prepares to enter in EU, still to be dealing with homeless animals in this way.

We will also inform all the responsible authorities of the European Union of what is going on in Mordogan.

noch immer aktuelle Petition zum Frachterunglück vor dem Libanon: 10.000 Schafen und 18.000 Rindern an Bord untergegangen

Die Petition zu dem Frachter Unglück vor der Küste Libanons ist noch immer aktuell.
Helfen Sie den Tieren. Appellieren Sie an die Regierung von Uruguay, die grausamen Lebendtransporte unverzüglich einzustellen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beim Untergang eines Frachtschiffes im Mittelmeer sind alle an Bord befindlichen 28.000 Schafe und Rinder ertrunken. Es war ein Lebendtransport von Uruguay nach Libyen.

Am 17.12.2009 ist vor der libanesischen Küste ein Frachtschiff mit mehr als 80 Besatzungsmitgliedern und über 10.000 Schafen und 18.000 Rindern an Bord untergegangen. Etwa 50 Menschen wurden bis zum nächsten Morgen gerettet. Die meisten von ihnen kamen an Bord von zwei Schiffen der deutschen Marine, die dort im Auftrag der UN-Friedenstruppe Unifil unterwegs sind. Auch mehrere Tote wurden geborgen.
Das Schiff war am 29. November von Montevideo in Uruguay ausgelaufen, Ziel war der syrische Hafen Tartus.
Unter den 83 Menschen an Bord, die sich während der rund dreiwöchigen Reise auch um die Tiere kümmern mussten, waren außerdem Staatsbürger aus Großbritannien, Australien, Russland, dem Libanon, Syrien und Uruguay.

Diese Nachricht ging um die Welt. Meist nur im Nebensatz erwähnt wurde die Tatsache, dass alle an Bord befindlichen Tiere qualvoll ertrinken mussten. Über 28.000 Schafe und Rinder. Bereits während der 3-wöchigen Reise des Tiertransportes mussten sie die dunkle Enge, dicht aneinander gedrängt, ertragen. Kaum Futter und Wasser, auch erkrankte und bereits tote Tiere.
Zielort: Schächtung in syrischen Schlachthäusern. Dann die Massenpanik beim Untergang des Schiffes.
28.000 Tiere in Todesangst, ein unvorstellbares Grauen.
Das unter panamaischer Flagge fahrende Schiff, das die Schafe und Rinder von Uruguay nach Syrien bringen sollte, war rund 20 Kilometer vor der Hafenstadt Tripoli in rauer See gekentert. Nun liegen die 28.000 Schafe und Rinder auf dem Grund des Mittelmeeres.
Helfen Sie mit, dieses lebensverachtende System zu ändern. Appellieren Sie mit uns an die Regierung von Uruguay, die grausamen Lebendtransporte unverzüglich einzustellen

Kann sich jemand die Dimension eines solchen Viehtransports vorstellen? Die Leiden der Tiere während der 3-wöchigen Reise? Wahrscheinlich kaum Futter, Wasser, dicht gedrängt, verletzt, teilweise tot?
Um dann anschließend in syrischen Schlachthäusern geschächtet zu werden, bzw. in diesem Fall auf dem Grund des Mittelmeeres zu sterben?
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sammlungsende Bürgerinitiative Schweine – bitte vorhandene Unterschriftenlisten in den nächsten Tagen an uns senden![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sammlungsende Bürgerinitiative Schweine – bitte vorhandene Unterschriftenlisten in den nächsten Tagen an uns senden!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Unserer parlamentarische Bürgerinitiative Schweine geht in ihren Endspurt: im Februar werden die Unterschriftenlisten von uns im Parlament eingereicht, um unsere gemeinsame Bürgerinitiative rund um die Verbesserung der tierschutzgesetzliche Situation der rund fünf Millionen Schweine in der österreichischen Schweinezucht und -mast, die zu gut 98% aus tierverachtender Intensivtierhaltung besteht, ihrem endgültigem Bestimmungszweck zuzuführen.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Gemeinsam mit den unterzeichnenden BürgerInnen fordern wir unter anderem ein Ende von tierquälerischen Kastenständen, Vollspaltenböden, narkoseloser Ferkelkastration. Stroheinstreu als Beschäftigungsmaterial für die Schweine und mehr Platz pro Tier müssen verpflichtend werden.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Bitte senden Sie allenfalls noch bei Ihnen befindliche Unterschriftenlisten so bald als möglich an unser Postfach 6, 1143 Wien.[/FONT]

Nähere Infos über die Bürgerinittiative und unsere sonstigen Aktivitäten auf unserer Website unter http://www.tierrechtspartei. at/

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Impressum:[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Mensch-Umwelt-Tierschutz[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Postfach 6
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]1143 Wien[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tel. 0699 106 70 171[/FONT]
<A href="http://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/derefer?TYPE=3&DEST=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tierrechtspartei.at%2F" target=_blank>[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]www.tierrechtspartei.at[/FONT]
Für die Tiere überall in der Welt. Vorbereitete Protestschreiben !!!!! Bitte mitmachen und verbreiten !!!

January 2010
8th Anniversary

1. China - UPDATE - International Campaign Against the Return of Bullfights

2. Macedonia - Balkans Animals Suffering

3. Mexico - Protest Against the "Embalse de Toros"

4. Mexico - Protest Against the "Paseo del Buey" (Stroll of Ox) in Queretaro

5. Puerto Rico - Halt Primates-For-Research Farm Permanently

6. Republic of Ireland - Urgent appeal to Minister: Don't exempt hunts from fees

7. Turkey - Please help Meyvan the female bear

8. United Kingdom - Scottish Seal Shooting Scandal

9. U.S.A.- The Oklahoma Prison Rodeo: State Sponsored Cruelty

10. U.S.A. - Get Cruelty Off The Shelves - No Fur Campaign

11. U.S.A. - Save Iditarod dogs from horrific cruelty

12. New Book Against Bullfighting - Bullfighting A Troubled History

For the Animals
Maria Lopes
Coordinator of the International Movement Against Bullfights


UPDATE - International Campaign Against the Return of Bullfights

International Movement Against Bullfights www.iwab.org

On the 17th of November 2009 we launched a campaign against proposed bullfighting in China

This campaign is being noticed by the Chinese authorities as you will see from the newspaper article below.
Please, if you haven't protested yet then do so now. If you have already written, please write again. We must maintain the pressure.

Animal lovers seeing red over bullfight ring
Source: Global Times
[01:57 January 27 2010]
By Lin Meilian

Animal rights activists are trying to stop construction of a bull-fighting ring planned on the outskirts of Beijing.

The Global Times learned of the project after a news agency in Spain announced plans for a Spanish theme park near the Great Wall.

Although bullfights have lost popularity in Spain, a bullring in Beijing this October would be a major tourist attraction, according to a report by the Spanish news agency EFE.

In Spanish bullfighting tradition, the matador kills the bull and the animal's ears and tail are cut off as trophies.

The Spanish promoters say they want to train Chinese matadors.

Manolo Sanchez, a Spanish matador, said last November that he has reached an agreement with the government of Huairou district in suburban Beijing. He said local officials believe that bullfighting, a cultural pillar of traditional Spain, would help put the district on the map, according to the report.

"We believe Spanish-style bullfighting would be embraced by many supporters in China," he was quoted as saying. "In fact, some television stations in China broadcast Spanish bullfights regularly."

'Tarnished image'

The bullfighting arena, with a seating capacity of 7,000, is scheduled to open with two bullfights in October. Sixteen bullfights are planned for next year, according to El Mundo, a daily newspaper in Spain.

Three Huairou officials involved with the bullfighting project seemed uncomfortable discussing the project.

Zhou Huaiming, director of the district commission on science and technology, told the Global Times that he is uncertain over the current status of the project. He said he has not been involved in the planning since he and two other officials returned from Spain last year.

"We do have a plan and we have heard many opposition voices," he said.

He declined to provide details on the deal with Spain. The other two officers remained silent about this project.

It is not the first time that Spanish-style bullfighting has raised eyebrows in China.

Early in 2004, the Daxing district of Beijing ditched plans to host a bullfight performance in a new, 6,400-seat bullring at Beijing's Wild Animal Park. They abandoned their plans after animal rights activists complained that bullfights had "the potential to tarnish Beijing's and China's image."

Protest planned

The new project in Huairou faces similar challenges.

On November 17, the International Movement Against Bullfights (IMAB) launched an online campaign calling on Chinese authorities to stop what the group called a "barbarity."

"We must at all cost prevent this project from going ahead. Otherwise we will have another country with bullfights," the group declared.

They posted emails to Chinese journalists and to official websites, asking people to send protest letters. Thoughtfully, a sample protest letter was provided.

"The Chinese authorities may have been flooded with emails from all over the world,"

Maria Lopes, coordinator of IMAB, told the Global Times Tuesday.

Animal rights activists in China have taken their own actions.

Li Xiaoxi, a professor at the Air Force Command Institute and a former member of CPPCC Beijing, helped block Daxing's plan to build a bullring. Li told the Global Times that she and other members of CPPCC Beijing are now working to block the latest project.

"We found out that local officers have different opinions on this project," Li said. "I don't understand why they still want to have a bullring when even some places in Spain are considering banning it."

She first learned of the project from other animal rights activists on the Internet and immediately contacted local officers to complain.

"They turned a deaf ear to me, so I keep calling, calling and calling them," she said.

According to EFE's report, about 100 cows and 100 bulls are awaiting shipment to China in January so that matadors would be fighting bulls bred in China.

Li said she feels anxiety over bulls, because more bulls will enable the bullfight promoters to build other bullrings in other cities.

It is not known if the bulls are on their way to China or are already here.

With no response from the local government, Li sent a complaint letter to another member of CPPCC Beijing last December, asking for help.

The letter stated, "Bullfighting is a very cruel and brutal sport; even its motherland Spain is considering banning this controversial sport. Daxing has set an example. Such a bullfight should not appear in Huairou."

She said the proposal has been submitted to relevant departments last December and might be discussed at the upcoming "Two Sessions" in March, the annual meetings of China's top legislative and political advisory body.

Mang Ping, a professor at the Central Institute of Socialism, told the Global Times Tuesday that she is totally against the idea of bullfights in China.

"They are driven by the profit motive to import such a bloody business project…how could a local government face the public accusations?" she asked.

Bullfighting has been under fire in Spain.

Hundreds of animal rights activists stripped down to their underwear and splashed fake blood on their bodies during a protest outside the capital Madrid's bullring last May, AFP said.

About 30 percent fewer bullfighting performances were staged across Spain last year due to the recession, AFP reported.

Zheng Yang contributed to this story


Balkans Animals Suffering

Source: Balkans Animal Suffering

Please send the letter below (in Macedonian and in English) to the following authorities.

Mayor of Skopje)

And to the Government at this link

President of the Council of the City

Other city officials contact details:

Public Relations:

International relations:


gragjani@skopje.gov.mk,meri.kostovska@skopje.gov.mk,lovren.markic@skopje.gov.mk, mirjana.apostolova@skopje.gov.mk

COPY ALSO TO the Macedonian Press and other media:



Block Listing:

makambas@albnet.net, info@macedonianemb.org.au,macembassy@24on.cc;


Почитуван премиеру Груевски,
Почитуван градоначалнику Трајановски,

Bе молиме итно да го запрете убивањето на кучињата во стационарот вардариште и да ги отворите вратите на стационарот кои од понеделникот ги затворивте иако пред стационарот беа дојдени многу граѓани кои инсиистираа да вдомат куче!

Итно овозможете константен мониторинг во стационарот бидејќи тие што се чисти немаат што да кријат!

Bо нашиот стационар има највисока стапка на евтаназија од сите европски држави, а за таквото нешто со сигурност нема оправдување! сопрете го геноцидот – справете се со овој проблем на хуман начин а не со брутална примена на сила!

Итно реорганизирајте и зголемете ги капацитетите во стационарот вардариште – ама не само службата за заловување на која инсистирате туку приоритетно ангажирајте најмалку 5 ветеринари кои би ги проценувале и третирале кучињата,на тој начин овој проблем може по хуман пат да се стави под контрола во рекордно време и трајно реши во догледен период!

Cоочете се со овој проблем на хуман и европски начин – светот гледа!!

Со почит,




SUBJECT: Stop this massacre of stray dogs immediately, the world is watching you!!

Dear Prime Minister,
Dear Mayor,

Macedonia has always been a symbol of ancient traditions, good people and hospitality… Now, seeing through our eyes, Skopje is a city of terror, massacre and use of strength against the week ones and those who don’t have a chance to defend themselves! We thought that we are part of the European family, but all we can see is an ugly picture of terror and a country that can’t handle the problem of homeless dogs. They are brutally killed in the “Vardarishte” shelter, the institution that literary has closed its doors for the people who want to adopt a homeless dog, the institution that didn’t changed its way of functioning and killing innocent animals, but became even more radical. All of this mentioned above, will put a mark on you – as aggressive politicians who don’t care about which instrument to use, as long as their objective is achieved.

But… do you know that one of the conditions for entrance in the European family is human treatment towards the dogs and transparency of the institutions who are supposed to take care of them? Do you know that you are the only one who don’t have at least three shelters for dogs in the capital city? Do you know that the world is watching you and your brutal actions? Do you want to be remembered as dog-killers and nothing more? Have you ever heard about the international organizations that fight for animal rights and all the victories that they have achieved?

According to the statistics, Skopje has the highest level of euthanized homeless dogs. Dogs that are young and healthy, creatures that have a right to live, just as every other being. We will do anything that is in our power – and believe us, we have the power, because we are not moved by money but by the LOVE towards the innocent creatures – to stop this massacre.

We are therefore asking you to stop this brutality IMMEDIATELY towards those who suffer!


Protest Against the "Embalse de Toros"

Source: FAACE

Every year on the 1st of February, six or more bulls (this year will be 12) are tortured and killed in a horrible manner, during the 'Fiesta de la Virgen de la Candelaria' in the Mexican municipality Tlacotalpan (Veracruz). First, the bulls are forced to drink liquor, then they are dragged through a river on ropes attached to small boats and when they arrive ashore, they are chased through the streets and tortured with knives, sticks and other instruments of torture, until they are dead.

The dragging of the bulls through the river is called 'embalse de toros' and even the local tourist office promotes this animal abuse. In 2006, the governor of the state Veracruz banned this horrible event after talking to animal protection organizations, but the mayor of Tlacotalpan ignored the ban.

On Mexican television, shocking images were shown of bulls that were severely wounded and tried to get away in panic. The police did their best to keep the hysteric crowd away from the bulls, but the crowd outnumbered them and the villagers were too bloodthirsty.


With CC:
fotografia@mileniodiario.com.mx,hechospm@tvazteca.com.mx, noticiero_lolita@televisa.com.mx,Andrew.hurst@reuters.com,
info@mail.oncetv.ipn.mx,correo@letraslibres.com, promociones@esmas.com.mx,rcentro@grc.com.mx,pedro@imagen.com.mx,
dayalan@televisa.com.mx, hechos@tvazteca.com.mx,awinocur@tvazteca.com.mx,

Estimados Señores,

me refiero a la tortura y la matanza de seis toros en el "embalse de toros"en el marco de la "Fiesta de la Candelaria", que se llevará a cabo el próximo 1 de febrero en Tlacotalpan, estado Veracruz.
Tal comportamiento no es digno de una sede del patriomonio mundial.
Le ruego que prohiba el uso de los animales en la fiesta.
Por favor intervenga con las autoridades locales para que se acabe con esta horrible tradición para siempre y para que se siga adelante con la fiesta sin animales.




I refer to the torture and killing of bulls during the "Embalse de Toros" in the "Fiesta de la Candelaria", which will take place in Tlacotalpan, in the state of Veracruz.
This action is not worthy of a world heritage site.
I urge you to ban the use of animals in the fiesta.
Please intervene with the local authorities to get this horrible tradition banned and to take the animals out of the fiesta.



Protest Against the "Paseo del Buey" (Stroll of Ox) in Queretaro

Source: Perla Oloarte

This cruel celebration is dedicated to the Virgin of a small town and will take place on the 5th February, at Villa Corregidora , Queretaro, Mexico. This is organized by the franciscan monks , entails a week of dances. This celebration starts with the famous "Paseo del buey" (stroll of the ox): people walk two oxen across the town with flowers, vegetables, fruits adorning them, while people shout, throw firecrackres at their feet, etc., the animals are forced to walk while they get burned with cigarettes, kicked, spit on them, pull their tails and ears, pulled by the ring in their noses until the animals do not want to walk due to extreme stress and pain then the rabble setp up the punshiment until they break their legs. When finished the oxen are sent to the butcher to prepare a famous "caldo de buey" (ox broth) which will be consumed the following day by the participants of the celebrations. We must put pressure immediately as this will
happen on the 5th of February.

Please send emails to Mexican authorities:

With CC to:


Apreciados Señores,

Por este medio deseo hacer un llamado a las autoridades de Querétaro para detener el salvaje festejo dedicado a la Virgen del pueblito en Villa Corregidora, Qro., el cual es organizado por los frailes franciscanos.
En dicho festejo se tortura vil y cobardemente a un buey que tiene que hacer una larga caminata en donde la muchedumbre lo lastima y ataca con armas punzo cortantes para llegar a su destino final que es su matanza.

Asimismo, se estarían violando distintas normas y leyes de protección a los animales como la ley estatal de Querétaro y las normas NOM-033 y 051 sobre sacrificio y movilización humanitarios, respectivamente.

Querétaro se distingue por uno de los estados más avanzados de la república mexicana en todos sentidos. No permitamos que una muchedumbre ni ninguna orden religiosa empañe esta imagen, ni mucho menos permitamos que el estado de Querétaro transgreda reglamentos y leyes de protección a los animales conocidas no sólo por el gobierno mexicano sino por instancias internacionales.

En espera de una respuesta,

Halt Primates-For-Research Farm Permanently

Source: Kinship Circle

Thousands of monkeys will be spared from misery inside research labs. Though primate experiments have failed to yield tangible data for AIDS, Alzheimer's, stroke, cancer, and other diseases -- construction of a huge monkey-breeding compound was planned for Guayama, Puerto Rico.
Bioculture, a primate supply firm, had intended to seize monkeys from the wild in Mauritius for shipment to Puerto Rico.

GOOD NEWS FOR MONKEYS? Kinship Circle members shared in the outcry against this pointless breeding factory. A lawsuit filed by local citizens,in conjunction with worldwide pressure, has culminated in a Superior Court
judge's ruling to terminate all construction of the Bioculture facility.

MAKE IT STICK! Unfortunately, Bioculture execs are trying to overturn the judge's ruling. Let officials know that citizens worldwide support PERMANENT termination of this and any future monkey-breeding compounds.

Hon. Luis Fortuno, Governor of Puerto Rico
La Fortaleza, P.O. Box 9020082 / San Juan, PR 00902-0082
ph: 787-721-7000; fax: 787-721-5072
Tere Nolla, Aide to the Governor:
Evelyn Cruz, Personal Executive Admin Assistant:

Hon. Glorimari Jaime, Mayor of Guayama
Municipio Autonomo de Guayama
Oficina de Plan de Orden Territorial
P.O. Box 360 / Guayama, PR 00785-0360

Rep. Pedro Pierluisi, Representative (District 1)
1218 Longworth HOB / Washington, DC 20515
fax: 202-225-2154;
Laura Maristany, Public Affairs Liaison:
Rosemarie Vizcarrondo, District Office Director:
Eduardo Hilera, Legislative Correspondent:


Honorable Puerto Rican Officials:

I am relieved to learn a Superior Court Judge ruled to halt construction of a huge monkey-breeding compound planned for Guayama, Puerto Rico. Bioculture, a primate supply firm, had intended to seize long-tailed macaques from the wild in Mauritius for shipment to Puerto Rico.

Given the findings of Guayama's Superior Court and Puerto Rico's Senate, I urge officials to back permanent termination of Bioculture's project. In addition, please consider strong public opposition to the breeding of monkeys for use in experimentation.

Though primate research has failed to yield tangible data for AIDS, Alzheimer's, stroke, cancer, and other diseases -- companies such as Bioculture persevere for profit. If completed, monkeys inside the Guayama facility would have been separated from mothers and sold into a barren world of concrete and metal. In labs, primates endure implanted brain electrodes, induced seizures, poisoning, and more.

Ultimately, it does not serve human health to facilitate old-fashioned animal research. As a case in point, researchers recognize primates do not contract the human strain of AIDS or develop its clinical symptoms. Of 85 HIV/AIDS vaccines tested in animals, each one failed in 197 human trials.

U.S. deaths or injuries linked to drug therapies more than doubled from 1998 to 2005, according to findings in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Each recalled drug had proven "safe" in animal tests.

In-vitro cell technology, 3D cellular systems, computer automation and other innovations will eventually render animal research obsolete. I encourage Puerto Rico's leadership to keep pace with evolving standards. Please do not
let Bioculture or any similar firm pointlessly "breed" animal suffering.

Thank you,


Urgent appeal to Minister: Don't exempt hunts from fees

Source: ICABS

ICABS is urging Minister John Gormley to drop proposals to exempt blood sports groups from fees under the new Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009. Please support our urgent action alert now.

According to a statement issued by the Green Party leader last month, "It is proposed that hunt clubs...would be exempt from paying fees but must register and be subject to possible inspection."

In a letter to Minister Gormley, ICABS has appealed for the proposal to be scrapped.

"We remind you, Minister, that these hunting hounds are used for the most horrendous cruelty to Irish animals," we stated in our correspondence. "These dogs chase wildlife across the countryside, catch them and rip their bodies asunder."

We added: "This bill is a tremendous opportunity for you to introduce a financial disincentive for the breeding of these killer dogs and move a step closer to your party's promise to ban blood sports. We hope you will take this opportunity and firmly reject the proposal to exempt hunting groups."

You can read the full text of Minister Gormley's statement on the Green
Party website


Minister Gormley has said his intention is to have the Bill introduced to the Houses of the Oireachtas early this year and enacted at the earliest possible date. Please act now to urge him to drop the proposal to exempt hunts.
Email "No exemption for hunt groups under Dog Breeding Bill" to minister@environ.ie

Minister John Gormley
Department of the Environment
Custom House, Dublin 1.
Tel: 01 888 2403. Fax: 01 878 8640.

Dear Minister Gormley

I am very concerned to learn that there is a proposal to exempt blood sports groups from fees under the new Dog Breeding Establishments Bill 2009.

According to a statement you released last month 'It is proposed that hunt clubs...would be exempt from paying fees.'

Minister, I implore you not to exempt hunts from these fees and to work vigorously towards your party's promise to end blood sports when in government.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Please help Meyvan the female bear

Source: Veda Bolivia

Meyvan is imprisoned in a dog shelter in Ankara, Turkey .
Her cage is barren she has no stimuli, no companions.Her pool is often empty.
She has been there alone for 19 years.This is no way for a bear to live.

However well meaning her rescuers may be they are doing Meyvan no favours by keeping her this way.
We ask that MEYVAN be given freely to the NATIONAL PARKIN BURSA,TURKEY where she can live her life with others of her own kind.

bilgi@ankaracevreorman.gov.tr,ankara@ankaracevreorman.gov.tr, bilgiedinme@tbmm.gov.tr,bilgiedinmevalilik@ankara.gov.tr,

Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment.

I, the undersigned, demand that the bear that is currently being held captive and in isolation at the HAYKOD (Hayvanlari Koruma Dernegi) dog and cat shelter on the Cubuk highway in Ankara in violation of the 5199 Animal Protection Act as well as of the nature of the bear species be freed to the Bursa Karacabey National Bear Sanctuary, which is built on 110 acres of land and supported and controlled by the state with specialist personnel.

I would like to remind that Professor Nilufer Aytug, who is the only recognized bear behavioral expert in Turkey and who heads the National Bear Sanctuary in Bursa, is also of the same opinion.

The fact that the bear is required at the moment to live in captivity at a shelter in Ankara, instead of living freely on hundreds of acres of land in Bursa with the members of the same species, is rightfully condemned within Turkey and around the world.

I demand that the bear be immediately released to the National Sanctuary in Bursa whose facilities are far superior to a shelter in Ankara where the bear is being kept in isolation.

I demand that this situation which is against the laws of the Republic of Turkey be immediately addressed, and that the bear be given to the authorities in Bursa Karacabey Bear Sanctuary where he belongs to live a free life.



Scottish Seal Shooting Scandal

Source: Animal Concern Advice Line and the Save Our Seals Fund.

The Scottish Government has made it clear that they are going to support seal shooting salmon farmers and not the protection of seals in the forthcoming Marine (Scotland) Act.
At a crucial committee debate on the proposed Act, Scottish Government representatives strongly opposed moves to keep the close seasons which give seals at least some protection during the breeding seasons. Instead the Government wants to allow fish farmers and others to shoot heavily pregnant seals and mother seals with dependant young thus leaving baby seals to starve to death.
The Save Our Seals Fund, Animal Concern and the Animal Concern Advice Line all called for a ban on allowing salmon farmers to shoot seals. Apart from any moral, welfare or conservation issues the fact is that salmon farmers can exclude seals from their floating factory farms thus removing any need to shoot them. The problem is that exclusion is more expensive than shooting seals. The Scottish Government not only opposes banning salmon farmers from shooting seals, it will not even support a compromise calling for salmon farmers to at least try all the exclusion methods before resorting to shooting seals.

There are many reasons for the SNP Government to deny seals any realistic protection but the most obvious one is that salmon factory farmers, commercial fishery interests and those that work in these industries can vote – seals cannot. The SNP have a terrible record on Marine conservation and continually lobby for bigger catch quotas for Scottish fishermen while fish stocks continue to decline due to commercial over fishing. In Scotland the same Government Minister is responsible for protecting seals and the environment AND for protecting the industries which are in direct and deadly conflict with seals and the habitat which is their home.
The time has come to tell Scottish politicians that their failure to protect the globally important seal populations which live in Scottish waters is a very serious matter with extremely serious consequences for the Scottish economy.
Please add your own name and address and customise the e-mail as you see fit. Also please circulate this appeal for action as widely as possible.
We need thousands of international protests so that Alex Salmond knows that killing seals in Scotland is just as unacceptable as killing seals in Canada, Norway or South Africa.

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment
Richard Lochhead MSP

Scottish Government

First Minister Alex Salmond


Dear sir/madam,

I have just learned that the shooting and killing of seals is not only allowed in Scotland, your Government has been blocking moves to gives seals some legal protection.
I am shocked to learn that the new Marine Act will allow fish farmers and others to shoot pregnant seals and mother seals with dependent pups.
Your Government is condemning seals, including new born baby seals, to death and by refusing to stop this cruel and unnecessary slaughter you are damaging the reputation of Scotland across the globe.
I urge you to outlaw the killing of seals and give seals and their marine environment proper legal protection. Please, do everything in your power to protect the seals.


The Oklahoma Prison Rodeo: State Sponsored Cruelty

Source: Animals in Need

Rodeo Betrays Corrections Mandate to Reform and Rehabilitate
The Oklahoma State Penitentiary's (OSP) Annual Outlaw Rodeo in McAlester, OK proudly touts itself as the only "Behind the Walls" prison rodeo. That's not exactly a bragging point.

This gladiator-style cruelty contest has been reinforcing felons' aggression since 1940 under the guise of "tradition". Inmates are brought in from 10 prisons around the state to compete against each other and the animals.

Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry, Director Justin Jones, and Warden Marty Sirmons should be ashamed to be spending taxpayer dollars teaching violent offenders new ways to abuse, with innocent animals being the victims--at least for now. It is a well-known fact that abuse again animals is a precursor to violent acts against humans.

Animals used in rodeos, such as horses, bulls, steers, and calves, are body-slammed, violently roped, dragged by the neck while their legs are tied, electrically shocked, and cruelly tormented. Animals are routinely injured, and some are killed. Rodeos are condemned by every major animal protection organization in the United States and beyond due to the inherently abusive nature of the industry.

Rodeo associations claim very few animals are injured and killed in rodeos. Of course, these same rodeo associations do not disclose their animal injuries and deaths, and SHARK's footage tells the real story.

If injury and death records were made public, the rodeo world would certainly lose both its fans and corporate sponsors. Furthermore, violations of supposed "humane rules" are very rarely, if ever, discplined and violators' records are never released. This explains why SHARK investigators document some of the same violators committing the same cruelties year after year.

By sponsoring a rodeo for inmates this maximum security penitentiary sends the message that the prison and the state of Oklahoma condones violence against animals, flying in the face of a prison’s mission to reform and rehabilitate criminals. Violence is violence, whether it's committed against human or non-human animals.

Prison is supposed to rehabilitate criminals. Instead the OSP Prison Rodeo is teaching inmates how to be more violent. The message these prisoners receive is that being as cruel and violent as possible is the way to get ahead. Instead of a rodeo, the prisons should have programs that allow inmates to care for animals, while learning a usable skill at the same time.

During a time of budget cuts and manpower-shortage in Oklahoma’s prison system, the Corrections Department spent more than $15,000 in overtime alone for security related to the prison rodeo in 2004.

Please write Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry, OSP Warden Marty Sirmons, and the McAlester Chamber of Commerce and let your opinion be known regarding taxpayer-subsidized cruelty being taught to convicted felons.

Then contact the sponsors of rodeo and tell them that as long as their business gives money to animal abusers you won't be buying their products! Learn more at CorporateThugs.com

Governor Brad Henry
State Capitol
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Tel: (405) 521-2342
Email Governor Henry

Justin Jones, Director, Department of Corrections
3400 Martin Luther King Avenue
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111-4298
Phone: (405) 425-2505
Fax: (405) 425-2578

Marty Sirmons, Warden
P.O. Box 97
McAlester, OK 74502-0097
Phone: (918) 423-4700
Fax: (918) 423-3862

McAlester Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture
P.O. BOX 759
McAlester, OK 74501
Phone: (918) 423-2550
Fax: (918) 423-1345
Email: info@mcalester.org


Get Cruelty Off The Shelves - No Fur Campaign

Source: Kinship Circle



Brooks Brothers:
Macy's East:
Saks Fifth Avenue:
Sears Roebuck and Company:
Victoria's Secret:
Burlington Coat Factory:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for any past efforts to close fur salons and/or end the sale of fur merchandise at your stores. This shows sensitivity to not only your customers, but also the unquestionable cruelty behind fur.

I appreciate that fur and fur-trimmed items present challenging questions for upscale retailers in terms of customer satisfaction. But the minority who still request real fur shouldn't overshadow sound ethical policy.

The fact is, even a "little fur trim" is a lot of suffering and death.
Please expand your cruelty-free policy to include the termination of fur-trimmed merchandise. Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Kenneth Cole, Stella McCartney, Todd Oldham and more popular designers offer sophisticated collections without real fur.

There is virtually no regulatory oversight of fur farms. Caged animals are typically stacked in open sheds where they pace in feces and urine. Some perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation. They resort to head bobbing, infanticide, cannibalism, and other "coping tools."

Pelts are often derived from genital electrocution. The killer delivers a 240-volt blast of electricity into an animal's rectum. The conscious, convulsing animal endures a heart attack for two or more minutes. Some die by cervical dislocation (neck popping). Others are injected with lethal junk chemicals. Animals are also asphyxiated with unfiltered carbon monoxide.

Creatures trapped in the wild suffer no less. Those caught in leghold traps or snares may gnaw their teeth to the jawbone or chew off their feet to escape. Others languish on trap lines for days before trappers return to fatally club, stomp or drown them.

No matter how you market it, fur is synonymous with violence and death. I respectfully ask you to offer cruelty-free couture at all your locations.

Thank you,

Save Iditarod dogs from horrific cruelty

Source: Sled Dog Action Coalition, http://www.helpsleddogs.org

Please help end the horrific treatment of dogs by sending protest emails to organizations that support the Iditarod. Six dogs died in the 2009 race, including two dogs on Dr. Lou Packer's team who froze to death in the brutally cold winds. What happens to the dogs during the Iditarod includes death, paralysis, frostbite (where it hurts the most!), bleeding ulcers, bloody diarrhea, lung damage, pneumonia, ruptured discs, viral diseases, broken bones, torn muscles and tendons and sprains.

During training runs, Iditarod dogs have been killed by moose, snowmachines, and various motor vehicles, including a semi tractor and an ATV. They have died from drowning, heart attacks and being strangled in harnesses. Dogs have also been injured while training. They have been gashed, quilled by porcupines, bitten in dog fights, and had broken bones, and torn muscles and tendons. Most dog deaths and injuries during training aren't even reported.

Dog beatings and whippings are common. During the 2007 Iditarod, eyewitnesses reported that musher Ramy Brooks kicked, punched and beat his dogs with a ski pole and a chain. Jim Welch says in his book Speed Mushing Manual, "A training device such as a whip is not cruel at all but is effective." He also said, "It is a common training device in use among dog mushers..."

Iditarod dog kennels are puppy mills. Mushers breed large numbers of dogs and routinely kill unwanted ones, including puppies. Many dogs who are permanently disabled in the Iditarod, or who are unwanted for any reason, are killed with a shot to the head, dragged, drowned or clubbed to death.

Most Internet service providers allow people to send up to 40 email addresses at a time. For your convenience, the addresses have been divided into groups of 40. Please email the first group first. Individual email addresses are given under the sample letter. The groups contain addresses for the 2010 Iditarod sponsors, promoters, and musher sponsors. Email blocks with semicolons and commas are on http://www.helpsleddogsorg/sponsors.htm.


Investor.Relations@ab-inbev.com,DaveScott@KLDistributor.com,billing@roadpost.com, investor.relations@iridium.com,info@vitecgroup.com,Marketing@ElectrochemSolutions.com,
PDoyle@adn.com, ptira@mcclatchy.com,kprivatsky@horizonlines.com


enisson@nacargo.com,jo.norton@providence.org,kroger.investors@kroger.com, Alyson.Johnson@wyndhamworldwide.com,ottt@si.edu,sparmelee@outsidemag.com,
dhibbler@depaul.edu,desa@diabetes-exercise.org,investor.relations@blockbuster.com, lailani@kotowski4senate.com,publicrelations@arizona.aaa.com,info0808@striker.com, david_peikin@choicehotels.com,investor_relations@choicehotels.com,ir-newyork@shell.com, mjordan@invictalaw.com,rcotton@hawkpointegolf.com,hbspcs@harcourt.com,


neos@overshoe.com, enquiries@freshcatch.com,chris.deets@activeion.com,

ma@goathleticapparel.com,tlange@tcinc.us,fsb@1stsecuritydl.com,info@brcomm.com, robert@100sportingevents.com,Mary-Michael@RiverviewCC.com,info@schadevineyard.com, joel_dvorak@natronaschools.org,pmroden@hsco.org,info@penair.com,



SAMPLE LETTER (Please personalize)

Dear Iditarod Supporter:

For the dogs, the Iditarod dog sled race is a bottomless pit of suffering. Please end your organization's support of this event. Six dogs died in the 2009 Iditarod, including two dogs on Dr. Lou Packer's team who froze to death in the brutally cold winds. What happens to the dogs during the Iditarod includes death, paralysis, frostbite (where it hurts the most!), bleeding ulcers, bloody diarrhea, lung damage, pneumonia, ruptured discs, viral diseases, broken bones, torn muscles and tendons and sprains. For more facts, visit the Sled Dog Action Coalition website, http://www.helpsleddogs.org .

During training runs, Iditarod dogs have been killed by moose, snowmachines, and various motor vehicles, including a semi tractor and an ATV. They have died from drowning, heart attacks and being strangled in harnesses. Dogs have also been injured while training. They have been gashed, quilled by porcupines, bitten in dog fights, and had broken bones, and torn muscles and tendons. Most dog deaths and injuries during training aren't even reported.

Dog beatings and whippings are common. During the 2007 Iditarod, eyewitnesses reported that musher Ramy Brooks kicked, punched and beat his dogs with a ski pole and a chain. Jim Welch says in his book Speed Mushing Manual, "Nagging a dog team is cruel and ineffective...A training device such as a whip is not cruel at all but is effective." He also said, "It is a common training device in use among dog mushers..."

Iditarod dog kennels are puppy mills. Mushers breed large numbers of dogs and routinely kill unwanted ones, including puppies. Many dogs who are permanently disabled in the Iditarod, or who are unwanted for any reason, including those who have outlived their usefulness, are killed with a shot to the head, dragged, drowned or clubbed to death. "Dogs are clubbed with baseball bats and if they don't pull are dragged to death in harnesses....." wrote former Iditarod dog handler Mike Cranford in an article for Alaska's Bush Blade Newspaper.

Jon Saraceno wrote in his March 3, 2000 column in USA Today, "He [Colonel Tom Classen] confirmed dog beatings and far worse. Like starving dogs to maintain their most advantageous racing weight. Skinning them to make mittens. Or dragging them to their death."

During the race, veterinarians do not give the dogs physical exams at every checkpoint. Mushers speed through many checkpoints, so the dogs get the briefest visual checks, if that. Instead of pulling sick dogs from the race, veterinarians frequently give them massive doses of antibiotics to keep them running.

Please end your organization's association with this horrific race.


A Troubled History

Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier

‘Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter’s honour’, wrote Ernest Hemingway in Death in the Afternoon. Art? Ritual? Sport? Cruelty? Though opinions are divided, one thing is certain – bullfighting sparks passionate responses. Supporters argue that bullfighting is a culturally important tradition stretching back thousands of years, while animal rights groups argue that it is cruel and barbaric, causing unnecessary suffering to both bulls and horses. In Bullfighting Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier brings clarity to this debate through an exploration of the long history of killing bulls as public spectacle.

The author shows how in the late 1700s bullfights became mass leisure activities, with paying spectators packing into arenas – the classic bullfight of popular imagination. It was at this time that bullfights became lucrative and the bullfighter became a celebrity. The first cross-cultural study of its kind, Bullfighting also relates the regional variations of style throughout Europe and Latin America: in the Basque-Navarre style of bullfighting, for example, the bullfighters wear street clothes, the fight is unstructured, and the bull is not injured; in Spanish-style bullfighting the fighters wear elaborate costumes, the fight is highly ritualized, and the bull is usually killed.

In this vivid and comprehensive history, Hardouin-Fugier explores the extensive influence of the bullfight on art, literature and culture, from the paintings of Goya to the writings of Georges Bataille. Enriched with many fascinating and sometimes disturbing illustrations, Bullfighting presents a discerning and intelligent approach to this highly colourful yet deeply divisive practice.

Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier is Professor of Art History at the Université Jean-Moulin in Lyon. She is the author of many books, including A History of Floral Painting (1992), A History of French Still Life in the Nineteenth Century (1998) and, with Eric Baratay, the acclaimed Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West (Reaktion, 2004).

noch immer aktuelle Petition zum Frachterunglück vor dem Libanon: 10.000 Schafen und 18.000 Rindern an Bord untergegangen

Die Petition zu dem Frachter Unglück vor der Küste Libanons ist noch immer aktuell.
Helfen Sie den Tieren. Appellieren Sie an die Regierung von Uruguay, die grausamen Lebendtransporte unverzüglich einzustellen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beim Untergang eines Frachtschiffes im Mittelmeer sind alle an Bord befindlichen 28.000 Schafe und Rinder ertrunken. Es war ein Lebendtransport von Uruguay nach Libyen.

Am 17.12.2009 ist vor der libanesischen Küste ein Frachtschiff mit mehr als 80 Besatzungsmitgliedern und über 10.000 Schafen und 18.000 Rindern an Bord untergegangen. Etwa 50 Menschen wurden bis zum nächsten Morgen gerettet. Die meisten von ihnen kamen an Bord von zwei Schiffen der deutschen Marine, die dort im Auftrag der UN-Friedenstruppe Unifil unterwegs sind. Auch mehrere Tote wurden geborgen.
Das Schiff war am 29. November von Montevideo in Uruguay ausgelaufen, Ziel war der syrische Hafen Tartus.
Unter den 83 Menschen an Bord, die sich während der rund dreiwöchigen Reise auch um die Tiere kümmern mussten, waren außerdem Staatsbürger aus Großbritannien, Australien, Russland, dem Libanon, Syrien und Uruguay.

Diese Nachricht ging um die Welt. Meist nur im Nebensatz erwähnt wurde die Tatsache, dass alle an Bord befindlichen Tiere qualvoll ertrinken mussten. Über 28.000 Schafe und Rinder. Bereits während der 3-wöchigen Reise des Tiertransportes mussten sie die dunkle Enge, dicht aneinander gedrängt, ertragen. Kaum Futter und Wasser, auch erkrankte und bereits tote Tiere.
Zielort: Schächtung in syrischen Schlachthäusern. Dann die Massenpanik beim Untergang des Schiffes.
28.000 Tiere in Todesangst, ein unvorstellbares Grauen.
Das unter panamaischer Flagge fahrende Schiff, das die Schafe und Rinder von Uruguay nach Syrien bringen sollte, war rund 20 Kilometer vor der Hafenstadt Tripoli in rauer See gekentert. Nun liegen die 28.000 Schafe und Rinder auf dem Grund des Mittelmeeres.
Helfen Sie mit, dieses lebensverachtende System zu ändern. Appellieren Sie mit uns an die Regierung von Uruguay, die grausamen Lebendtransporte unverzüglich einzustellen

Kann sich jemand die Dimension eines solchen Viehtransports vorstellen? Die Leiden der Tiere während der 3-wöchigen Reise? Wahrscheinlich kaum Futter, Wasser, dicht gedrängt, verletzt, teilweise tot?
Um dann anschließend in syrischen Schlachthäusern geschächtet zu werden, bzw. in diesem Fall auf dem Grund des Mittelmeeres zu sterben?
Liebe Tierschützer,

hier geht es um Sodomie/Zoophilie = Tierschänder!

– und wir bitten Euch diesen Text, auch wenn er ein wenig lang ist,
durchzulesen. Wir brauchen EURE Hilfe.

Am 25.1.2010 fand die Gerichtsverhandlung gegen C.H. (Sodomist/Zoophiler)
wegen Tierquälerei statt. Die Gerichtsverhandlung wird im Februar 2010
weiter fortgeführt.

Den entsprechenden Zeitungsartikel haben wir auf unserer Homepage unter dem
Button „Top Aktuell Wetzlar“ gepostet. Die Abkürzung C.H. dürfte
mittlerweile den meisten bekannt sein und auch wer dahinter steckt. Die
Adresse unserer Homepage findet Ihr am Ende dieses Schreibens.

Unlängst gingen Informationen über einen Sodomisten/Tierschänder, welcher
bei dem Akt mit einem Shetty auf diverse Bilder gezeigt wurde und zusätzlich
noch eine Hundezucht gehabt hatte, durch sämtliche Verteiler. Was passiert
mit einem solchen Menschen?

Vielleicht darf er keine Hunde mehr züchten? Vielleicht bekommt er

vielleicht passiert insbesondere mit Hinblick auf den Akt mit dem Shetty
nichts, weil nämlich keine Verletzungen nachgewiesen werden können.

Nur, wenn man Verletzungen an diesem Tier nachweisen könnte, wäre eine
Anzeige wegen Verstoß gegen das Tierschutzgesetz und Sachbeschädigung
möglich. Man sollte sich das Wort „Sachbeschädigung“ mal gründlich durch den
Kopf gehen lassen, - unsere Tiere sind eine Sache!!!!

ABER: Sex mit Tieren ist in Deutschland nicht verboten.

Mit Abschaffung des § 175 b im Jahre 1969 war auch der Sex mit Tieren nicht
mehr verboten und unser deutsches Tierschutzgesetz sieht ein spezielles
Verbot von Sex mit Tieren nicht vor. Hurra, freie Bahn für Sodomisten oder
wie sie neuerdings genannt werden „Zoophile“.

Man war und ist der Meinung, dass das jetzige Tierschutzgesetz ausreicht
ist. Petitionen beim Bundespetitionsausschuß wurden abgelehnt und alle
seltsamerweise immer mit dem gleichen Text. Man hat sich noch nicht einmal
die Mühe gemacht individuell auf die eingereichten Anträge einzugehen.

Zwar wird immer mal wieder laut, dass man auf politischer Ebene diesen
Missstand aufgreifen wolle, aber trotz der Tatsache, dass die „Grünen“ einen
überarbeiteten Tierschutzgesetzentwurf auf ihrer Homepage als PDF-Datei
anpreisen, fragen wir uns, in welcher Schublade dieser liegt, bzw. unter
welchem Aktenstapel, denn bislang ist in dieser Richtung absolut nichts
passiert. Es gibt noch immer kein Verbot für Sex mit Tieren, welches durch
ein entsprechendes Tierschutzgesetz untermauert wird, - und sollte das Tier
dann doch verletzt worden sein ist es eine „Sachbeschädigung“!

Derweil tummeln sich die „Zoophilen“ in diversen Internet-Foren und sind
fleißig mit Informationsaustausch beschäftigt, wie man denn Sex mit einer
Hündin, einem Rüden oder einem Pferd hat.. Es ist dies eine sehr
anspruchvolle Abhandlung bís ins kleinste Detail ausgearbeitet von einem
Zoophilen. Sie beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, wie man denn z.B. die Vagina
einer Beaglehündin weiten könnte und findet die Beschreibung einer Frau,
welche Sex mit dem Rüden im Keller hat während der Mann arbeitet und das
Baby schläft mit dem Hinweis, wozu es denn ein Babyphon gäbe. Ach ja, nicht
zu vergessen, „Zoophil“ heißt ja übersetzt „Tierlieb“ und Zoophile haben nun
mal eine besondere Beziehung zu ihren Tieren. Ob das die oder ihre Tiere
auch wissen??? Nun ja, wie meinen Zoophile im Forum: „Ich habe nur Sex mit
meinem Tier, wenn es dies auch will!!!!!!“

Nach letzten Erkenntnissen wollten einige dieser Zoophilen auch einen Verein
gründen mit Gemeinnützigkeit. Ob dies nunmehr zustande gekommen ist, wissen
wir derzeit nicht. Aber der Verein sollte ZETA heißen. Es ist denkbar
schwierig herauszufinden, ob dieser nun registriert ist, da man wissen muss,
wo denn der Vereinsitz ist. Also, bitte solltet Ihr einmal über diesen Namen
stolpern oder etwas ähnliches, bitte an uns wenden und uns diese Information

Wir bitten Euch:

Bitte unterstützt uns bei unserer Unterschriftensammlung für ein Gesetz
gegen „Sex mit Tieren“, welche wir öffentlich übergeben möchten, wenn wir
genügend Unterschriften haben. Bislang haben wir ca. 28.700 Unterschriften.
Das reicht leider noch nicht. Nachdem alle bislang eingereichten Petitionen
gescheitert sind und sich auf der politischen Ebene auch nichts tut, sehen
wir darin die einzige Möglichkeit etwas gegen den sexuellen Missbrauch von
Tieren zu tun. Wir benötigen diese Unterschriften, um über die Medien an die
Öffentlichkeit zu gehen und damit weiter zu den gesetzgebenden Kremien. Die
Unterschriftenlisten können von unserer Homepage heruntergeladen werden.
Siehe Button „U-Liste“.

Weitere Informationen auf unserer Homepage: http://www.stummeschreie.info.

Wir danken für Eure Hilfe und die Tiere auch.

Das Stumme-Schreie-Team

Stumme Schreie e.V.