was für ein käse bin ich?

That's me:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
You are american cheese!

You are a smooth, lightly colored, square-shaped cheese. You are a classic simple cheese. You are cautious and practical and very down to earth.

American Cheese is smooth, with light, yellow or orange color. The cheese is usually cut into square slices and it does not separate when melted. It has a mild taste.

:D :D
You are parmesan cheese!

You are a white, crumbly cheese. You are very social and talkative. You are incredibly friendly to everyone, but also a little lazy.

Named after an area in Italy, Parma Parmesan is one of the world's most popular and widely-enjoyed cheeses. Milk used for Parmesan is heated and curdled in copper containers but not before most of the milk's cream has been separated and removed. Curd is cut and then heated to 125 degrees F, all the while stirring the curd to encourage whey runoff. The curd is further cooked at temperatures of up to 131 degrees F, then pressed in cheesecloth-lined moulds. After two days, the cheeses are removed and salted in brine for a month, then allowed to mature for up to two years in very humid conditions. [ Country: Italy || Milk: cow milk || Texture: hard || Recommended Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir ]

Na toll! Ich hasse Parmesan! :D

LG Beate
Tantebate schrieb:
You are parmesan cheese!

You are a white, crumbly cheese. You are very social and talkative. You are incredibly friendly to everyone, but also a little lazy.

du bist ein weißer, krümeliger käse. du bist sehr sozial und gesprächig. du bist unglaublich freundlich zu jedem, aber auch ein bisschen faul.

Named after an area in Italy, Parma Parmesan is one of the world's most popular and widely-enjoyed cheeses. Milk used for Parmesan is heated and curdled in copper containers but not before most of the milk's cream has been separated and removed. Curd is cut and then heated to 125 degrees F, all the while stirring the curd to encourage whey runoff. The curd is further cooked at temperatures of up to 131 degrees F, then pressed in cheesecloth-lined moulds. After two days, the cheeses are removed and salted in brine for a month, then allowed to mature for up to two years in very humid conditions. [ Country: Italy || Milk: cow milk || Texture: hard || Recommended Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon Pinot Noir ]

benannt nach einer gegend in italien, ist parmesan einer der beliebtesten käse der welt. usw. (der rest ist nicht so interessant...)

zufrieden?! :D

ich mag parmesan übrigens sehr gerne. aber nur den "echten" auf nudelgerichten :)
Ich bin auch ein Parmesan - hm, ich liebe Parmesan, auf Nudelgerichte und auch auf Pizza, und auf Gemüse-oder Spätzle auflauf und auch gut zu Ruccola Salat oder überhaupt Salat so drüberreiben.
Hm - ja wenigstens bin ich lecker *ggggg*