Tötungen- Protestmails bitte


Junior Knochen
Hilferuf der Tierhilfe "Hoffnung":
Der Bürgermeister, Tudor Pendiuc, von Pitesti will, wie er lauthals kundtut, demnächst erneut damit beginnen, die Straßenhunde von Pitesti umbringen zu lassen! Die von UNS kastrierten Hunde! Ist das nicht unglaublich?!
Er will die Hunde von den Straßen haben! ALLE! SOFORT!
Er hat in der letzten Zeit auch ständig in der Presse verkündet, dass er dabei sei, alle diesbezüglichen Vorbereitungen zu treffen. Er baut ein eigenes Tierheim, das in Wirklichkeit die städtische Tötungsstation sein soll!

Eine Flut von Protest-Emails soll Pitesti überschwemmen, bitte helft mit! In der gleichen Situation in Varna (Bulgarien) hat die Lawine von Emails die Surfer zusammenbrechen lassen und ....... es wurden bis heute keine Hunde getötet.

Bitte leitet das Mail an Freunde und Bekannte weiter!

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Dear Sirs

I am sadened to hear that Mr. Pendiuc intends to kill thousands of stray dogs, who already been castrated, in Pitesti. It seems he knows nothing about what is going on outside your country, otherwise you would be aware that in most parts of the world catch and release is a very successful method. I completely reject such killing of innocent animals and demand that you reconsider this pointless plan. Mr. Pendiuc should be ashamed of misusing thousands of dogs - castrated through a German-sponsored project maybe for his political campaign.

I vehemently protest against turning Pitesti into a dog mortuary again. It is a very poor show to abuse animals for your benefit!

Romanias reputation would certainly be improved if you would finally abandon your barbaric extermination laws and adopt humane legislation as practiced today. The German Animal Protection Society HOFFNUNG has supported the city of Pitesti over the last years with three million EURO, donated by people throughout Europe, and now not only their hope and goodwill is ignored, but also the efforts on your behalf! Moreover Romania has signed the European Treaty for the Protection of Domestic Animals (Article 2/1/b, also covering stray animals), but nevertheless permit thousands of dogs to be murdered despite the public responsibility as mayor. I find your cruel and pointless plan absolutely despicable.

Until you stop this contraproductive killing of stray animals, I shall not be spending any more vacations in Romania. Furthermore, I shall refuse any more assistance and we shall also boycott Made in Romania products.

Protestadressen-Block mit Komma:
primaria@primariapitesti.ro, office-arges@ansv.ro, adp@edison.ro, cjarges@pitesti.ro, relatii.publice@prefecturaarges.ro, carmen.rascanu@gov.ro, hermina@gov.ro, nicolaevacaroiu@senat.ro, bogdan.olteanu@cdp.ro, psd@psd.ro, avram@ansv.ro, office@ansv.ro, predoi@ansv.ro, primaria@primariapitesti.ro, relatii.publice@prefecturaarges.ro, adp@edison.ro, office-arges@ansv.ro, presedinte@cjarges.ro, florea.costache@cjarges.ro, marian.fulga@cjarges.ro, argesul@rdspt.ro, argesul1876@yahoo.com, radomir_marian@yahoo.com, office@curier.ro, atac_magasine@yahoo.com, jurnaldearges@rdslink.ro, observatorargesean@yahoo.com, argesean@gmail.com, redactie@societateaargeseana.ro, top@picgroup.ro

Protestadressen-Block mit Strichpunkt:
primaria@primariapitesti.ro; office-arges@ansv.ro; adp@edison.ro; cjarges@pitesti.ro; relatii.publice@prefecturaarges.ro; carmen.rascanu@gov.ro; hermina@gov.ro; nicolaevacaroiu@senat.ro; bogdan.olteanu@cdp.ro; psd@psd.ro; avram@ansv.ro; office@ansv.ro; predoi@ansv.ro; primaria@primariapitesti.ro; relatii.publice@prefecturaarges.ro; adp@edison.ro; office-arges@ansv.ro; presedinte@cjarges.ro; florea.costache@cjarges.ro; marian.fulga@cjarges.ro; argesul@rdspt.ro; argesul1876@yahoo.com; radomir_marian@yahoo.com; office@curier.ro; atac_magasine@yahoo.com; jurnaldearges@rdslink.ro; observatorargesean@yahoo.com; argesean@gmail.com; redactie@societateaargeseana.ro; top@picgroup.ro