"Russlands Tierschutzer brauchen unsre hilfe"


Medium Knochen
ich habe von deutsche tierschutzerin Sylvia aus Spanien e-mail bekommen
bitte protestieren sie auch,unterschtützen sie Russlands Tierschutzer aus ST.Petersburg
bitte unterschtützen und weiterleiten
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 11:17:37 +0100
From: sylvia.laver@freesurf.ch
Subject: Russlands Tierschützer brauchen unsere Hilfe!Bitte Musterprotestbriefe abschicken!Russia: desperate situation for animals! we need your help! for shelters in Saint-Petersburg. Very urgent!

Russlands Tierschützer brauchen unsere Hilfe! Bitte Musterprotestbriefe abschicken! (Es gibt 2 zu schicken)

Russia: Urgent Appeal To Stop the Seizure of a Shelter with 400 Animals -
Wichtiger Aufruf aus Russland! Es geht um die Beschlagnahmung eines "Tierheim" mit 400 Tieren

Please Act Immediately
We need your help! for shelters in Saint-Petersburg. Very urgent!
Wir brauchen Ihre Hilfe! Für "Tierheime" in St.Petersburg. Sehr dringend!

From: "MARK JOHNSON" <howlingwolfmoon@blueyonder.co.uk>

http://serbiananimalsvoice.wordpres...lter-with-400-animals-please-act-immediately/ -


We are the volunteers of shelters for homeless animals. And we request your
Wir sind Voluntäre in einem Tierheim für heimatlose Tiere. Und wir erhoffen
help for suffering animals! Its very urgent to inform people, who care
uns Hilfe für die leidendenTiere! Es ist sehr wichtig jedermann, überall in der Welt,
about animals all over the world, as we have no support in our country. This
der ein Herz für Tier hat, zu informieren, denn im eigenen Land unterstützt uns niemand.
situation needs influence from outside. Making the long story short, time is
Die Situation braucht Einflussnahme von ausserhalb. Um es kurz zu machen, die Zeit drängt!
very short!! In Saint-Petersburg a seizure of a shelter for homeless animals
In St.Petersburg ist die Beschlagnahmung eines Tierheims für heimatlose Tiere geplant.
is being planned. The initiator is the well-known Saint-Petersburg
Die Initiantin ist die bekannte Schlachterin Belous Maya Ivanovna.
slaughterer Belous Maya Ivanovna. She is known as an owner of the shelter
Sie ist bekannt als Inhaberin des Tierheims
Iljinka in the city administration. There have been happening terrifying
"Iljika" in der City. Dort passierten und passieren ganz schreckliche Dinge
things there for many years. All the civil servants are bribed.
seit vielen Jahren. Alle Beamten dort sind bestochen!!!
We sent a letter to the European Society of Animal Protection but we have
Wir haben einen Brief an die Europ.Gesellschaft zum Schutze der Tiere geschickt
received no response. If we do not do something now, 400 animals will suffer
und nie eine Antwort erhalten. Wenn wir nichts tun jetzt, werden 400 Tiere leiden
and die there!!! In the attached photographs you can see the shelter Iljinka
und sterben dort!!! Auf den untenstehenden Fotos können Sie das "Tierheim" sehen
(horrific conditions) and shelter Rzevka (humane conditions for all
(schreckliche Zustände) und im Gegensatz das Tierheim Rzevka (humane Zustände für alle Tiere)
animals). If the seizure occurs, Rzevka will be like Iljinka! We and people
Wenn die Beschlagnahmung kommt, wird Rzevka sein wie Iljinka! Alle Menschen
from other countries must write letters of protest against permitting Belous
aus allen Ländern müssen Briefe schreiben und protestrieren, damit Belous Maya Ivanovna
to gain control of another shelter (Rzevka).
keine Kontrollo über andere Tierheime bekommt (Rzevka).

E-mails need to be sent based around the following wording. Please copy and
Musterbrief sollten den folgenden Wortlaut haben, können aber nach Wunsch verändert werden.
modify if you wish.

Basis of e mail to be sent to:
Basis-Musterbrief für:


cc: spb@greenpeace.org.ru


Honorable Officials,

Word has reached animal advocates all around the world that the seizure of a
shelter for homeless animals, the shelter Rzevka, is being planned; the
initiator being one Belous Maya Ivanovna. She is known as an owner of the
shelter Iljinka under the existing city administration. Judging from
phototos seen on the internet, the conditions at Iljinka are inhumane and
appalling; they must surely be illegal if there are any laws prohibiting
neglect, abuse and cruelty to animals. This represents a disgrace to your
administration and all of Saint Petersburg. Steps must be taken at once to
correct these horrible and disgusting conditions that cause further
suffering to innocent, homeless animals.

If the seizure occurs, then the good shelter Rzevka could easily become
another shelter like Iljinka. In NO WAY must this be allowed to happen,
ever !

Compassionate and concerned citizens everywhere, ask that the good shelter
Rzevka not be allowed to be seized, especially having seen pictures of
the conditions in which animals are living and being kept at the shelter at
Iljinka, which is owned by Belous Maya Ivanovna. This person must not be
allowed to gain any ownership of the good shelter Rzevka and change it
into another hellhole for animals.

We urge you to do everything possible and to at once take actions to clean
up "Iljiinka" and to prohibit Belous Maya Ivanovna from keeping animals in
such horrible conditions. Given her record of animal neglect, filth, and
cruelty, she must not be permitted to gain any further control of other
animal shelters, but should instead be held accountable for animal cruelty,
a crime in all civilized societies.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Messages can be sent to:

Mrs.Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko - Mayor of Saint Petersberg,
Gubernator Sankt Paterburga

Ljudmila Alekseevna Kostkina- Deputy Mayor,
Vicegubernator Sankt Paterburga

Also write CC to: spb@greenpeace.org.ru
Tel+7 (812) 3521022 , (812)3529219
Nalichnaya street, 37/1,
office 46 Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The attached photographs show conditions at the shelter Iliinka and shelter Rzevka.

THE SHELTER AT RZEVKA COULD GO FROM THIS (see attached photos or go to
website for photos and details):

Dieser Brief wurde von der Voluntärin Shibaeva Maria an den Präsidenten geschickt!!

Shibaeva Maria,volunteer in the shelter Rzevka
Maria biologist@yandex.ru.

Send a letter to the president


Catastrophic situation in a refuge of Saint-Pétersburg. (Please send this message to all your contacts)

There are many problems in this beautiful city including that of the dogs and the wandering cats. The animal defenders of Saint-Petersburg do all what they can on the spot. However, I would like to evoke a special case to share. The oldest refuge of Saint-Petersburg (Iliinka) became a hell. The building is in a pitiful state. The two women who hold this refuge take the animals in while making pay the people who bring them. Once admitted in this refuge, the animals are abandoned with a sad fate. They join their famished and already sick and infected companions. Quickly, they are contaminated in their turn. They die in a few days and their dead bodies remain among those who are alive. The corpses are burned twice time per week. The many bones are visible near the refuge. The food brought by donors does not reach the animals. One can see that this food is rotting in the court of the refuge. Only money for assistance is accepted, however the animals die of hunger. The animal defenders of St-Petersburg have tried to intervene at several occasions, since several years. There is no change. The hell is always there. The telephone directory inquiries continue always to give the address of the refuge to people who seek to place animals.

Please help; it will take you only a few minutes ..
Bitte helfen Sie! Es braucht nur einige Minuten......... Auch noch den untenstehenden
Musterbrief an die vermerkten Adressen zu schicken!!!!!!

**Please send the sample letter (below) to the following email addresses:
gov@gov.spb.ru, adm@gov.spb.ru, uvet@gov.spb.ru, ukog@gov.spb.ru, tukrgv@gov.spb.ru, info@ifaw.org, agata-63@mail.ru, matvienko@gov.spb.ru, kostkina@gov.spb.ru
Europe Embassy
russsede@libero.it; rusemb@icc.al.eu.org; rusgencons@salzburg.telecom.at; rusemb@chello.at; info@rusemb.at; kira1130@yahoo.com; kira1130@yahoo.com; amrusbel@skynet.be; misrusce@coditel.net; rusembbih@lsinter.net; info@russia.bg; l:veleposlanstvo-ruske-federacije@zg.tel.hr; russia1@cytanet.com.cy; gkkv@iol.cz; embrus@tiscali.cz; gkbrno@iol.cz; embrus@mail.dk; narvacon@narvacon.neti.ee; tarturus@hot.ee; rusembassy@co.inet.fi; ambrus@wanadoo.fr; gkrfstbg@wanadoo.fr; consrusmarseille@wanadoo.fr; info@ruskonsulatbonn.de; ruskonsmchn@t-online.de; rusgenkon_leipzig@t-online.de; mail@generalkonsulat-rus-hamburg.de; info@russische-botschaft.de; consafl@athens.compulink.gr; embraf@otenet.gr; rusemb@t-online.hu; russemb@itn.is; russiane@indigo.ie; info@consolatorussomilano.org; text@consulatorussopa.it; rusembas@delfi.lv; rusemb@rusemb.lt; ambruslu@pt.lu; embassy@russia.org.mk; rusemb@onvol.net; domino@mtc.md; gencons.ru@cg.yu; ambrusnl@euronet.nl; rembassy@online.no; rusemb_poland@mail.ru; mail@embaixadarussia.pt; rab@mb.roknet.ro; ambarusk@eunet.yu; embrus@chello.sk; ambrus.slo@siol.net; embrues@infonegocio.com; rusembassy@telia.com; rusbotschaft@bluewin.ch; embrus@public.icyb.kiev.ua; office@rusemblon.org; russsede@libero.it

**Sample letter:

Dear Sir/ Madam,
A seizure of a shelter for homeless animals, the shelter Rzevka, is being planned, the initiator being one Belous Maya Ivanovna. She is known as an owner of the shelter Iljinka under existing city administration. If the seizure occurs, then good shelter Rzevka could easily become another shelter like Iliinka. In NO WAY must this be allowed to happen, ever !.
I ask that the good shelter Rzevka is not allowed to be seized, especially having seen pictures of the conditions in which animals are living and being kept at the shelter at Iliinka, which is owned by Belous Maya Ivanovna. This person must not be allowed to gain any ownership of the good shelter Rzevka and change it into another home of hell for the animals.

Thank you.

( Your name):
(Your Country) :
Please do not forget to join ( here, below your letter ) the testimony of the young volunteers of St-Petersburg, and the following photos :
Bitte nicht vergessen die Bezeugung der jungen Voluntärin Natalia von St.Petersburg als "NB" mitzuschicken!!!

**NB : Testimony of the young volunteers of St Petersburg,

We are the volunteers of shelters for homeless animals. And we request you about the aid!
Its very urgent to inform people, who cares about animals all over the world!! As we have no support in our country. This situation needs influence from outside.
Making the long story short, time is very costly!!
In Saint-Petersburg a seizure of a shelter for homeless animals is being planned.
The initiator is the well-known in Saint-Petersburg flayer and slaughterer Belous Maya Ivanovna. She is known as an owner of the shelter Iljinka in the city administration.
There have been happening terrifying things there for many years. We sent a letter to the European Society of Animal Protection but we were not heard.If we do not do anything now, 400 animals will suffer and die there!!!
In the attached photographs you can see the shelter Iliinka and shelter Rzevka. If the seizure will be occurs, Rzevka will be like Iliinka!

Horror "Tierheim" Iljinka in St.Petersburg
arme katze aus Iljinka St Petersburg so genannte TH in sterben oder ist schon gestorben...niemand interresiert,liegt enfach...vielleicht sie ist so...nur wollte schlafen ,weil gibts nicht bzum essen ,zum spielen,zum drinken,uberhaupt gibts gar nichts...nur kalt,schmutzig,stinkt nach tod:(:(:(
gott sein dank je hat eine kleine decke gegeben...also gibts dort einen gutnutige mensch,,,vielleicht diese marija,welche uberhaupt erst ERZÄHLT uber zustand in TH
auch TH Rjewka... absolut andere zustand

also,bitte ,wer hat ein herz für arme tiere ,egal so wiet von Österreich,aber auch tiere ,bitte schreiben sie ein protest und weiterleiten
DANKE IN NAMEN ARME TIERE AUS "TH" in St.Petersburg,Russland
ubriegens,gibts in russland in tierschutz auch etwas positiwes,zb seite
http.//www.priut.ru / gibts e version auf deutsche sprache auch/
erzahlt über eine hundeheim und auch in St.Peterburg ,Russland....dort sind ungewollte oder streunerde hunde ....
leute arbeiten dort mit viele liebe zum tiere,gibts soooo viele und sooo süße hunde welche plätze suchen ,auch video
beschreibungen mit so viele liebe zum tiere ....:)