Regeln für Jack Russell Besitzer


Super Knochen
Rules for Owning Jack Russell Terriers!

1. You do not own Jack Russell Terriers. They own you!

2. You will never sleep alone again.

3. You will never sleep late again.

4. You will never go to the bathroom alone again.

5. It is your duty to entertain your Jack Russell during all waking hours. If you have other obligations, you must either cancel them or find someone to entertain your Jack Russell in your place.

6. Do not waste your hard-earned money on commercial dog food. Since Jack Russells do not think of themselves as mere dogs, they will eat dog food only as a last resort. Spend your time and money preparing sumptuous banquets for them instead.

7. Having two Jack Russells does not double your problems. It quadruples them.

8. Do not expect to go where you want when taking your Jack Russells for a walk. They will decide.

9. Do not expect to be the center of attention at any social event. This is your Jack Russells job.

10. Do not pick a fight with your Jack Russell unless you really want one.

11. Do not waste valuable time and money trying to train your Jack Russell. He already knows what he will and will not do, and when.

12. Do not name your Jack Russell a common dog name. Remember, he does not consider himself a dog and will not recognize it.

13. Always dress your Jack Russell in stylish attire.

14. Never think that you have house-trained your Jack Russell. It is he who has trained you to take him out at appropriate times.

15. Do not attempt to spank your Jack Russell. He will think you are trying to pick a fight.

16. Do not enroll your Jack Russell in obedience classes. You are the only one who will become more obedient.

17. Consider yourself lucky to be owned by a Jack Russell. They do not let just anyone take care of them.

18. Jack Russell Terriers rule!
Hätte ich das doch gelesen, BEVOR ich mir Lucky angeschafft hab... nö scherzal ;)