Hundenamen mit C


Junior Knochen
Hallo @ all, da unsere Juma ja nun doch mehr Welpen haben wird, als wir lt. Ultraschall annahmen, such ich nach schönen und ausgefallenen Namen mit " C"
Habt Ihr vielleicht kreative Vorschläge????
Wenn ja, dann nur immer her damit :D :D
Puh, muss mal nachdenken, wie die Wurfgeschwister vom Gregos geheißen haben ...

Condor (das war der Gregos)

... mah, die anderen fallen mir im Moment nicht ein!!!! :(
Danke für Eure Tipps :D
@ Milo, die Seite ist wirklich klasse
Jetzt muß nur noch bei der Geburt alles glatt gehen :rolleyes:
sei doch so lieb und sag uns dann für welche namen du dich entschieden hast ;)
[ g i r l s ]

Cadence : KAY-denz : latin "melodious"

Cai : KAY : vietnamese "female"

Caimile : kigh-MEE-lee : african - name from a proverb

Caitlin : KATE-lin : irish "pure"

Caitrin : KAYT-reen : irish "pure"

Cala : ka-LAH : arabic "castle"

Calandia : kah-LAHND-e-ah : greek "lark"

Calandra : kah-LAHN-druh : greek "lark"

Calantha : kah-LAHN-thuh : greek "beautiful blossoms"

Caledonia : KAYL-ah-dohn-e-ah : latin "from scotland"

Caley : KAYL-ee : gaelic "slender"

Calida : KAH-lee-duh : latin "ardent"

Calista : KAH-lee-stuh : greek "most beautiful"

Callan : KAHL-an : german "chatter"

Callia : KAHL-e-yuh : greek "beautiful"

Callidora : KAHL-i-dohr-uh : greek "gift of beauty"

Calliope : kahl-ee-OH-peh : greek "beautiful voice"

Caltha : KAL-thuh : latin "yellow flower"

Calypso : KAH-lip-soh : greek "concealor"

Cam: KAM : vietnamese "sweet " - orange fruit

Camelai : KAM-el-igh : latin - flower name

Camilla : KAH-mil-ah : latin "attendant"

Canace : KAN-is : greek "child of the wind"

Candace : KAN-dis : latin "glowing, luminescent"

Candida : kan-DEE-dah : latin "white, pure"

Candra : KAN-druh : latin "glowing, luminescent"

Cantara : KAHN-tar-uh : arabic "small bridge"

Caoimhe : KEE-vee : irish "gentleness, beauty, grace"

Capri : KAH-pree or kuh-PREE : anglo-saxon "the goat"

Caprice : KAH-prees : italian "fanciful, unpredictable"

Cara : KAIR-uh : latin "dear"

Cara : KAHR-ah : vietnamese "diamond"

Caradoc : KAHR-ah-dok : welsh "amiable"

Caresse : kuh-RES or kuh-RES-sah : french "beloved"

Carine: kah-ree-NAY : armenian "friend"

Carissa : kuh-RIS-uh : greek "loving"

Carita : KAHR-ee-tah : latin "beloved one"

Carla : KAHR-luh : teutonic "one who is strong"

Carlen : KAHR-len : teutonic "woman"

Carling : KAHR-leeng : old english "hill where old women or witches gather"

Carly : KAHR-lee : latin "little, womanly"

Carma : KAHR-muh : sanskrit "fate, destiny"

Carmel : KAHR-mel : hebrew "god's vineyard"

Carmen : KAHR-men : latin "song"

Carna : KAR-nuh : arabic "horn"

Carnelian : KAHR-nee-lee-en : latin - red gem

Carol : KAIR-ohl : old german "manly"

Caron : KAIR-un : french "pure"

Casey : KAY-see : gaelic "brave"

Casilda : KAH-sil-dah : latin "of the home"

Cassandra : kah-SAHN-druh : greek "prophetess"

Cassia : KAH-shuh : greek "champion"

Cassiel : KAS-see-el : latin "angel of saturday" or "the earthly mother"

Casta : KAS-tuh : greek "purity"

Castalia : KAS-tay-le-ah : greek - wife of king delphus

Catalin : KATE-uh-lin : basque "pure"

Catava : shah-TAH-vah : african - name from a proverb

Caterina : KAT-er-een-uh : italian "pure"

Catherine : KATH-er-in : greek "pure"

Catriona : KAT-ree-oh-nah : gaelic "pure"

Ceara : KEER-uh : irish "spear"

Cecania : SEHS-say-nee-uh : german "free"

Cecilia : SUH-sihl-e-uh : latin "blind"

Celandine : seh-LEN-deen or seh-LEN-dee-nah : greek "the swallow"

Celeste : SUH-lest : latin "heavenly"

Cerelia : SUH-ril-e-yah : latin "of the spring"

Chaitra : SHAY-truh: hindi - aries sign

Chanah : KAH-nah : hebrew "grace"

Chanda : SHAN-duh : sanskrit - name for goddess devi

Chandi : SHAN-dee : sanskrit - name of goddess sakti (anger)

Chandra : SHAN-druh : sanskrit "eminent, illustrious"

Chane : SHAH-nee : hindi - name of a god

Chanel : SHAH-nel : french "canal"

Chantal : SHAHN-tel : french "a song"

Charis : KAHR-is : greek "charity"

Charissa : KAH-ris-suh : greek "grace"

Charity : CHAIR-i-tee : latin "charity, brotherly love"

Charlotte : SHAR-lot : french "petite and feminine"

Charmian : SHAR-mee-an : greek "a little joy"

Chastity : CHAS-ti-tee : latin "purity"

Chava : CHAH-vuh : hebrew "life"

Chavi : CHAH-vee : english gypsy "daughter, child"

Chaviva : CHAH-ve-vuh : hebrew "beloved"

Chay : SHAY : old german "man"

Chaya : kigh-YAH : hebrew "life"

Chelsea : CHEL-see : anglo-saxon "port"

Chenoa : chay-NOH-ah : native american "white dove"

Cherie : SHAYR-ee : french "beloved one"

Cherise : SHUH-rees : greek "grace"

Chesna : CHES-nah : slavic "peaceful"

Chiara : SHE-ahr-uh : latin "famous, light"

Chika : chee-KAH : japanese "near"

Chilali : SHI-lah-lee : native american "snowbird"

Chimalis : SHI-mah-lis : native american "bluebird"

Chipo : CHEE-poh : african "gift"

Chloe : KLOH-ee : greek "blooming"

Cho : CHOH : japanese "butterfly"

Christable : KRIS-tah-bel : latin "beautiful christian"

Christine : KRIS-teen : latin "christian"

Chyou : CHEE-oh : chinese "autumn"

Ciannait : KIN-naht : irish "ancient"

Ciar : KEER : irish - saint's name

Claire : CLAYR : latin "bright"

Clara : KLAYR-ah : greek "bright, clear"

Clarinda : klayr-IN-duh : spanish "bright, brilliant"

Claudia : KLAW-de-uh : latin "lame"

Clementine : KLEM-en-tine : latin "mild, merciful"

Cliantha : KLEE-ahn-thuh : greek "flower of glory"

Clio : KLEE-oh : greek - muse of history

Clorinda : KLOHR-in-duh : fictional name (from tasso's jerusalem delivered)

Clover : KLOH-ver : anglo-saxon "clover"

Cochiti : KOH-chee-tee : spanish "forgotten"

Colette : KOHL-et : greek "victory of the people"

Colleen : KOWL-een : gaelic "girl"

Coralie : KOHR-ah-lee : french "maiden, girl"

Corazon : KOHR-ah-zahn : filipino "heart"

Cordelia : kor-DEE-lee-uh : celtic "sea jewel"

Cordelia : kor-DEE-lee-uh : latin "heart"

Cori : KOHR-ee : gaelic "from the hollow"

Corliss : KOHR-lis : old english "cheerful, generous"

Cornelia : KOHR-neel-e-uh : latin "yellowish"

Courtney : KORT-nee : french "from courtenay"

Crescent : KRES-sent : old french "one who creates"

Cressida : CRES-ih-dah : greek "gold"

Cybele : SIGH-bel : latin - name of an asiastic goddess

Cynara : SIGH-nahr-ah : greek "thistle"

Cynthia : SIN-thee-ah : greek "moon"

Cyprien : SIH-pre-ehn : french "cypriot"

Cyrene : suh-REEN: greek - name of mythological nymph

Cyrilla : SUH-ril-ah : latin "lordly, proud"

Cytheria : sigh-THEH-ree-uh : latin "venus"


[ b o y s ]

Cadeo : kah-DAY-oh : vietnamese "folk song"

Caedmon : KAYD-man : celtic "wise warrior"

Ceasar : SEE-sahr : latin "to cut"

Cailan : CAL-lahn : gaelic "child"

Cain : KAYN : hebrew "craftsman"

Calder : KAHL-der : old english "stream"

Calvin : KAL-vin : latin "bald"

Cam : KAHM : english gypsy "beloved (referring to the sun)"

Camden : KAM-den : scottish "from the winding valley"

Cameron : KAM-er-on : scottish "crooked nose"

Candan : KAN-dan : turkish "sincerely"

Canute : KA-noot : norwegian "knot"

Carden : KAHR-din : celtic "from the black fortress"

Carl : KAHRL : old german "man"

Carlin : KAR-lin : gaelic "little champion"

Carr : KAHR : norwegian "from the marsh"

Carrick : KAYR-ik : gaelic "dweller on the rocky cape"

Carson : KAR-sen : old norse "son of carr"

Carter : KAR-ter : old english "cart driver"

Carver : KAR-ver : old english "sculptor"

Casey : KAY-see : celtic "brave"

Casper: KAS-per : persian "treasurer"

Cassidy : CAS-i-dee : gaelic "clever"

Cassius : KA-shus : latin "vain"

Castel : kah-STEHL : spanish "belonging to a castle"

Cato : KAY-toh : latin "sagacious, wise"

Caton : kah-TOHN : spanish "knowledgable, wise"

Cavan : KA-ven : gaelic "handsome"

Cemal : ke-MAHL : arabic "beauty"

Chad : CHAD: old english "warlike"

Chaim : KIGH-em : hebrew "life"

Chal : CHEHL : english gypsy "boy, son"

Chale : CHAH-leh : spanish "strong and manly"

Chalmers : CHAL-merz : scottish "son of the lord"

Chander : SHAN-der : hindi "moon"

Chandler : SHAND-ler or CHAND-ler : french "candlemaker"

Chane : CHAH-nee : swahili "dependability"

Chaney : CHAY-nee : old french "oak"

Channing : CHAN-ning: old english "knowing"

Chapin : CHAY-pin : old french "clergyman"

Chapman : CHAP-man : old english "merchant"

Charles : CHARLZ : old german "man, strong"

Chase : CHAYS : old french "hunter"

Chatha : CHAT-hah : african "an ending"

Chauncy : CHAWN-see : latin "chancellor"

Chayton : SHAY-ton : sioux indian "falcon"

Chen : CHEN : chinese "great, vast"

Cheney : CHAY-nee : old french "from the oak forest"

Chester : CHES-ter : latin "from the fortified camp"

Chet : CHET : old english "from the fortified camp"

Chevalier : sha-VAYL-yeah : french "knight"

Chike : CHEE-keh : african "power of god"

Chin : CHIN : korean "precious"

Christian : KRIST-yan : english "christian"

Christoph : KRIS-toff : greek "christ-bearer"

Christos : KRIS-tohs : greek "christ"

Ciceron : SIS-er-on : latin "chickpea"

Ciro : SEE-roh : spanish "the sun"

Clark : KLARK : french "scholar"

Clay : KLAY : teutonic "mortal"

Clayton : KLAY-tun : english "from the clay town"

Clement : KLEM-ent : french "merciful"

Cleveland : KLEEV-land : old english "from the cliffs"

Clive : KLIGHV : english "from the cliffs"

Clyde : KLIGHD : welsh "heard from afar"

Cody : KOH-dee : irish "helpful"

Cody : KOH-dee : old english "a cushion"

Cody : KOH-dee : old german "possessions"

Colby : KOHL-bee : old english "coal town"

Cole : KOHL: greek "victory of the people"

Coleman : KOHL-man : english "charcoal burner"

Colin : KOL-in : gaelic "child"

Colin : KOL-in : greek "victor"

Colon : koh-LOHN : spanish "dove"

Colton : KOHL-tun : old english "town of colt-breeding"

Coman : koh-MAHN : arabic "noble"

Conan : KOH-nan : celtic "intelligent"

Condon : KON-dun : celtic "the dark-haired wise man"

Connor : KON-ner : celtic "wise aid"

Connor : KON-ner : irish "wolf-lover"

Corbett : KOHR-bet : latin "raven"

Corbin : KOHR-bin : latin "raven"

Corcoran : KOHRK-er-un: gaelic "of reddish complexion"

Cordell : KOHR-del : french "small rope"

Corey : KOHR-ee : gaelic "raven"

Cort : KOHRT : old german "bold"

Coty : KOH-tee : english "old house"

Courtland : KORT-lind : english "dweller in court"

Craig : KREG : gaelic "from near the crag"

Crispin : KRIS-pin : latin "curly-haired"

Crosby : KROZ-bee : english "dweller near the town crossing"

Cullen : KUL-en : celtic "young animal, handsome"

Curran : KUHR-an : gaelic "hero"

Curtis : KURT-is : old french "courteous"

Cynric : SIN-rik: old english "with royal might"

Cyrano : SIGH-rahn-oh: greek "from cyrene"

hi, für "offizielle" namen gefallen mir ausgefallene sachen ganz gut wie zb.

Call Of The Wild
Canterbury Tale
Cant Touch This
Caribbean Pirate
Carpe Diem
Carpe Noctem
Cast A Spell
Cave Canem
Challenge Me
Chasin Rainbows
Che Guevara
Chilli Pepper
Classic Touch
Cogito Ergo Sum
Cosa Nostra
Count On Me
Crown Prince

lg, natasha
...wie wärs mit:

come in place
come here
come to me
come over
come ago
come heel



p.s: es muss net jeder mein humor haben ;)
Also ich liefere die tibetischen namen :D

Chin - Eine dynastie
Che la - der sandige pass


und "normale"


Mehr fallen mir momentan nicht ein :p viele Namen :D :D
Ich finde das echt schwierig. Der Name muß ja auch zu einem großen Hund passen....
Ich habe mir mal einige rausgeschrieben:


Deikoon ist ein sehr großer Hund und heisst lt. seinem Pedigree:

Also mein C-Wurf heißt:

also mir persönlich gefällt charlie ur supi gut!ist nicht altägliches aber doch noch normal!
