Escape from the Attic

Cruzader schrieb:
doch geht, lädt aber relativ lang...

Jetzt ist es sofort gegangen (2sec.). Zuerst hatte ich "Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden" das hat nichts mit dem laden zu tu :D
Egal, jetzt gehts-- und ab!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was schaffst denn nicht?
zwei rote Dreiecke,
zwei grüne,
zwei blaue
ein gelbes.

Ein Schlüssel vom Raben, eine Art Gabel, ein Zettel mit geschriebenen Zahlen, ein gelbraunes Ding. Sieht aus wie eine Bohne.
minimaus schrieb:
AH, jesas stimmt die Gabel, ähm aber wo find ich die?
Rechts von den Kisten (Kisten müssen links im Bild noch zu sehen sein) - mittleren Balken anklicken - auf Versteck im Balken klicken - Deckel springt auf - Stange vom Boden aufheben!
Simba schrieb:
Mah und ich häng schon wieder. Bekomm das Dreieck von der Spinne nicht :mad:
Und wo ist das Bohnen Ding? Help :o
Bohnending :p ist hinter den Kisten versteckt (ist ne Fliege in Bernstein)! :cool:
Spinnen haben Fliegen zum Fressen gern! :cool: :cool: :D
Irish schrieb:
Was schaffst denn nicht?
zwei rote Dreiecke,
zwei grüne,
zwei blaue
ein gelbes.

Ein Schlüssel vom Raben, eine Art Gabel, ein Zettel mit geschriebenen Zahlen, ein gelbraunes Ding. Sieht aus wie eine Bohne.

Wo finde ich diesen Raben????
Karomerlin schrieb:
Ich hab nur 1 rotes Dreieck... und zwar das von der Spinne - wo ist das zweite?:confused:
Walkthrough in English :D
First let's start with everything you can find without looking up. First look at the second beam you can see. See that little rectangle on it where it has a different colour? Click there. Then click the rectangle again. Look back down and take the small iron stick.

Turn left once. Click the hole between the three boxes. Click the bottom of the lower box and take the blue triangle.

Click a little over the top left corner of the left box. Take the yellow triangle. While still in that view, click behind the upper box and get the fly in amber.

Back to the view where you can see the 3 of the boxes. Click left to face the window. Click the left part of the window and collect the blue triangle.

Turn left again. Click the broom and then the corner behind it. Collect the paper.

Click the text on the wall. Read it, it's important. Notice the capitalized words? Remember the order the TEXT gives, not the order in which they appear. While still facing the wall, click the column you can see in the bottom left corner of the screen and take the red triangle.

Turn left until you are back where you started.

Click the upper part of the screen to look up.

Click left and you will see a few switches. Click one of them and you will see a screen with all 5 of them. Click the switches in the order you got on your paper (changes every time you play). If you did it correctly, a raven flies from the roof. We'll take care of him later. Click the lower part of the screen to get back to the view where you clicked the first switch.

Click left and get the green triangle.

Click 2x more left and get the next green triangle.

Again 2x left and you see a spider web with a red triangle. Click and drag the fly in amber from your inventory to the web. When the spider is at the fly, click the red triangle and it falls down.

Back to the floor. Click right and get the red triangle that fell down. Click right 4x and you will see the raven Click the raven and get the silver key behind his left leg.

Click left or right 4x and you will face a hole in the wall. Click it and try to use your key on it. It tells you, that it's too deep. Now what? Right you still have that iron stick. Click and drag your iron stick on the key to combine both.

Use your key on a stick with the hole. And you will see a grid of triangles. Click the yellow one that is already there and take it.

Now remember that verse on the wall? Use the triangle in the combination you got there.

1st row red, yellow, blue, yellow
2nd row green, green, blue, red

After solving that puzzle it gives you a few random numbers. Note those numbers!

Click left twice to face the exit with a lock. You have to enter those numbers on the lock on the floor. But how? Hint: A=1, B=2.....Z=26

The door opens and you are free.